University of Hawaiʻi Community Colleges
Skilled Trades
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view classesHana Career Pathways, a Reimagine Workforce Preparation grant from the U.S. Department of Education, offers tuition assistance for short term employment training leading to college and career pathways. The program will increase employment paths to in-demand living-wage jobs in three resilient sectors—healthcare, technology, and skilled trades--to support a thriving, diverse, and resilient Hawai‘i.
The program reimagines workforce preparation through the Hawaiian concept of hana. Hana translates as “work,” and has significance in Hawaiian culture as the act of breathing and unleashing grace to improve the world through one’s work.
Eligibility requirements:
Hawai‘i resident
Currently not working or underemployed (may be working part-time and/or making less than $20/hour). Priority will be given to applicants who are not working.
U.S. citizen or status as a permanent resident alien of the U.S. (have a green card)
Must submit an application to Hana Career Pathways.
Pellentesque ultrices at turpis in vestibulum. Aenean pretium elit nec congue elementum. Nulla luctus laoreet porta. Maecenas at nisi tempus, porta metus vitae, faucibus augue.
Fusce et venenatis ex. Quisque varius, velit quis dictum sagittis, odio velit molestie nunc, ut posuere ante tortor ut neque.
Curabitur pulvinar sem a leo tempus facilisis. Sed non sagittis neque. Nulla conse quat tellus nibh, id molestie felis sagittis ut. Nam ullamcorper tempus ipsum in cursus
Praes end at dictum metus. Morbi id hendrerit lectus, nec dapibus ex. Etiam ipsum quam, luctus eu egestas eget, tincidunt
"Ut ultricies maximus turpis, in sollicitudin ligula posuere vel. Donec finibus maximus neque, vitae egestas quam imperdiet nec. Proin nec mauris eu tortor consectetur tristique."
"Curabitur sollicitudin, tortor at suscipit volutpat, nisi arcu aliquet dui, vitae semper sem turpis quis libero. Quisque vulputate lacinia nisl ac lobortis."
"Micro-credentials are one of the hot rising ideas in the education space. To understand the basics, go look at your child's Xbox or PlayStation."
“People are looking for shorter forms of learning during this time. They don’t know whether they have two months, three months. They’ve lost their jobs. For them the ability to earn a microcredential within a few months and improve their potential to get hired as we come out of Covid becomes much more important.”
"Ut ultricies maximus turpis, in sollicitudin ligula posuere vel. Donec finibus maximus neque, vitae egestas quam imperdiet nec. Proin nec mauris eu tortor consectetur tristique."
"Curabitur sollicitudin, tortor at suscipit volutpat, nisi arcu aliquet dui, vitae semper sem turpis quis libero. Quisque vulputate lacinia nisl ac lobortis."
"Micro-credentials are one of the hot rising ideas in the education space. To understand the basics, go look at your child's Xbox or PlayStation."
“People are looking for shorter forms of learning during this time. They don’t know whether they have two months, three months. They’ve lost their jobs. For them the ability to earn a microcredential within a few months and improve their potential to get hired as we come out of Covid becomes much more important.”