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Information Technology
Tech is hiring! In-demand jobs, quality pay, and the opportunity to make a difference are just a few reasons to chose an IT career.
FIND AN OCCUPATIONTop companies hiring, top jobs, view by skills, job postings, more...
Occupations aligned to career pathways and education attainment.
Identifying the right credentials to offer students matters now more than ever.
Select your interest and see a list of potential occupations that match.
Section is being evaluated and updated.
Under development but usable.
Hawaii Industry Sectors
Workforce supply and demand. Currently under development, but STEM Occupations (beta) is available for testing.
How automation could affect your job.
Automation Index
Numbers reflect unique job postings for the most recent complete month (Hawaii State).
The unique posting count is the count of postings after the deduplication process has taken place.
For example, if a user runs a report that returns 12 total job postings and 2 unique job postings, this means
that the 12 postings contained 10 duplicates and only 2 unique job advertisements.
According to a report from the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce, adults with a bachelor’s degree earn an average of $2.8 million during their careers, $1.2 million more than the median for workers with a high school diploma. In addition, at every additional level of education, workers tend to earn more than those with less education (Oct 13, 2021).
Read MoreEducation to workforce alignment has evolved since Career Explorer was first launched in 2015.
The Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) Code system has gone through many changes. Job Posting anaylytics
offer more in-depth alignment to college programs using skills and job titles.
Our goal is to make career exploration easier, fun, and more inline with college learning outcomes. We will be working
hard to adapt most of the previous applications to the new model.
We are sorry if this upgrade is causing problems.
The original version is still online at: Career Explorer (retired)
The original site is no longer maintained so many features will no longer function.
Career Explorer v2 (BETA) was released for testing. If you have questions please feel free to contact me.