
Glasses stock photo

The Academic Planning, Assessment, and Policy Analysis (APAPA) office facilitates the completion of planning and evaluation activities including:

  • The University Strategic Plan
  • Community Colleges Strategic Development Plans
  • Campus Academic Development Plans
  • Accreditation Self-Evaluations
  • Program Reviews
  • Culture of Evidence

APAPA also supports program planning and evaluation, and conducts policy analysis studies. 


Achieving the Dream
APAPA works with the IR Cadre to compile, submit, and publish Achieving the Dream data.

Annual Reports Program Data (ARPD)
As part of the comprehensive program review process, APAPA compiles the Annual Reports of Program Data for all Instructional, Student Service, and Academic Support programs.

Community College Survey Student Engagement (CCSSE)
Every two years, the UH Community Colleges participate in CCSSE which provides information on practices known to improve student success. The results are included in the Annual Reports of Program Data and the UHCC Strategic Plan, and allow the colleges to compare themselves to similar institutions.

Culture of Evidence
At least every three years starting in 2013, the OVPCC will survey stakeholders and users of major UHCC analytical tools for the effectiveness of the planning process and importance and usefulness of the data and for training and/or professional development needed to maximize use of these tools for planning and resource allocation that supports institutional effectiveness in meeting college and system mission.

Demographic Information and Achievement Data (DIAD) 
APAPA is responsible for creating the scripts and compiling systemwide Demographic Information and Achievement Data (DIAD). The scripts are tailored by the individual colleges to support Institutional Self Evaluation. Data are presented in the aggregate and, in some cases, disaggregated by gender, ethnicity, Pell status, enrollment status, distance learning, and type of program followed. 

DIAD Archive: 2010 2009 2008 2007 2005

Fact Book -- Community Colleges
APAPA compiles an annual fact book for the UHCC system and individual colleges. Data from the UH Management and Planning System (MAPS), UH Human Resource, and the National Student Clearing House are used to compile quick facts on students and faculty.

Graduate and Leavers
Survey The UH Community College surveys graduates and leavers one year after they have left the college. The surveys provide data on employment status, perceptions of the quality of education received, and the value/relationship of the training and education.

National Community College Benchmark Project (NCCBP)
NCCBP is the leading community college standardized benchmark reporting tool. Participation results in national and regional reports, peer comparisons, and best practices in the areas of Student and Student Outcomes, Institutional Effectiveness, and Community and Workforce Development.

The UH community colleges have agreed upon placement for common English and Math courses. Placement scores are periodically reviewed and validated for accuracy.

Strategic Plan Outcomes and Performance Measures
Excel spreadsheets of Strategic Plan Outcomes and Performance Measures. 

Summer Remedial Developmental Regular Tuition Rates Trial 

Student Success by Admissions Application Date - Februrary 2011 

Where Do Our Graduates Begin
FY 2015 
FY 2011 

Webpage Quick Links
Accreditation–Standard IVB Working Group
Achieving the Dream Core/Data Team
Faculty Senate Subgroup on Academic Policies 
Instructional Program Review Council (IPRC) 
IR Cadre
Placement Advisory Working Group
Remedial/Developmental Working Group
Strategic Planning Council

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Emergency Information

Campus Emergency Contacts
Hawai'i CC - (808) 854-1420
Honolulu CC - (808) 284-1270
Kapi'olani CC - (808) 734-9900
Kaua'i CC - (808) 212-2679
Leeward CC - (808) 455-0611
UH Maui - (808) 984-3255
Windward CC - (808) 235-7355