Make it Happen

You can afford to attend a University of Hawai‘i Community College!

There are several ways to get financial assistance if you need it, including federal financial aid, grants, scholarships and loans. You may also qualify for the Hawai‘i Promise Scholarship, which offers free tuition for eligible students, with over $5 million available in funding.


As you think about your future after graduation, remember that there's a place for you at our UH Community Colleges.

Start your career path at one of our seven unique campuses with access to over 80 programs, affordable tuition, and in-person and online classes.

Follow these simple steps to start your college journey:

  1. Complete your application with the Kama‘āina App.
    View a Step-by-Step Tutorial on how to complete the Kama‘āina App for the University of Hawai‘i Community Colleges.
  2. Complete the FAFSA, Free Application for Federal Student Aid to help make your college journey affordable.
  3. Set up your UH User Name once you receive your acceptance letter.
  4. Review and complete UH Health Clearance Requirements including the Health Immunization Clearance Form.
  5. Follow the next steps provided in your campus acceptance letter.

Wondering about other opportunities after high school?

Check out our Good Jobs Hawai‘i program that offers free workforce training in industry sectors including healthcare, clean energy, skilled trades, and creative services which will lead you to pathways for in-demand jobs and careers in Hawai‘i.

Good Jobs Hawaii

Any questions about applying and enrolling in our campuses:

Email or contact us at one of our campuses.