FAQ for Job Seeker - Training Participant

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How do I apply for the Good Jobs Hawai‘i program? What happens after I apply?

You can submit your application online for a specific training. Within a week after you submit your application, we will email you at the email address that you provided on your application with a response on the status of your application. Eligible participants must meet the course prerequisites for their selected training program in order to register.

Are there any fees that I need to pay to apply for the Good Jobs Hawai‘i training classes?

There is no fee to submit an application for the training class. There may be a co-pay for the training…

What courses do you offer? Are the trainings online?

All of our currently available trainings will be listed online here on the website. Due to COVID-19, most courses are online though some may include in-person labs or practicums. Online courses are delivered in two different ways:

  1. Asynchronous/Independent learning: There are no specified dates and times for logging in. You login at your own time and submit assignments by the due dates.
  2. Synchronous/Real-time interaction: Login to an online platform, like Zoom, on specific day(s) and time(s) for an online lecture.

Do I need a computer?

You will need a laptop or computer to complete a course. If you do not have a computer and/or reliable internet access, we can arrange to loan you a laptop and/or wifi hotspot device. Please contact us at goodjobs@hawaii.edu.

How do I know if I’ve been accepted into the program?

We will be in contact with you via the email address that you provided on the application. If you have any questions, please contact us at goodjobs@hawaii.edu.

I have a grant that will pay for my tuition, can I also receive this scholarship to redeem for cash?

The scholarships through the Good Jobs Hawai‘i program can only be used for tuition and fees. If you are awarded a different grant that will pay for all of your tuition and fees, you will not be eligible to redeem this scholarship for cash. If, however, your grant does not cover all of your tuition and fees, you may use this scholarship to cover the balance, up to $2,000 depending on the program.

If my tuition for the course is less than $2,000, will I receive a cash refund?

No. This scholarship is for tuition and fees only and cannot be redeemed for cash.

What happens if I drop the course?

We understand that sometimes students may need to drop a course. You will not be held financially responsible for the assistance nor will there be a refund for the assistance. However, you may not be eligible for additional tuition assistance through the Good Jobs Hawai‘i program.

I’ve attended a University of Hawai‘i campus in the past, am I eligible for this scholarship?

Yes, as long as you meet the criteria for the course, you are eligible.

May I take more than one training class?

Eligible participants are advised to select one course in their career pathway of choice (e.g. Healthcare, Technology, Skilled Trades). Some pathways may allow for enrolling in more than one course upon completion of the first course and attainment of industry certification, however, participants will typically be approved for tuition assistance in only one training.

Why is there a co-pay for some of the trainings?

Some trainings may require a student co-pay as the Good Jobs Hawai‘i program has funding to subsidize $1500-2000 in tuition per training. If you need additional financial assistance, we can advise you on other funding sources that may be available. Please contact us at goodjobs@hawaii.edu for more information.

Am I eligible to apply for this program?

As long as you meet the criteria, you are eligible to apply for the program. We have tuition assistance to offer to an estimated 3,000 participants over a 3-year period. Priority will be given to participants who are not currently working.

I’ve already applied and registered for other courses in a degree program at University of Hawai‘i campus, am I still eligible?

As long as you meet the criteria, you are eligible, even if you’re already accepted and registered for other degree program classes. You may also be eligible to join more than one Good Jobs Hawai‘i training course if the series of courses leads you to a specific college and career pathway.

Will you contact my supervisor?

We may contact your current or former supervisor to verify your employment status for eligibility for the program assistance.

Does this site list all of the available trainings at the UH Community Colleges?

You are invited to explore current training opportunities specifically supported by the Good Jobs Hawai‘i program and to apply online for subsidized funding. Please visit the UH Community Colleges Continuing Education & Workforce Training website for other training opportunities offered at the various campuses.

If I already submitted an application for one training, can I apply again for another training?

Only one application is accepted per person. You may not submit another application using a different email address. If you would like to modify an existing application to change to a different training or if you already completed one training and are interested in a second training to support your college and career goals, please email us at goodjobs@hawaii.edu and we can review your specific request if funding is available. Priority will be given to participants who are not currently working.

Who can I contact if I have questions?