
Good Jobs Hawaʻi is a partnership between Hawaii’s businesses and UHCC to build a local talent pipeline. This collaboration engages employers to identify in-demand jobs along with the skills and education to meet those demands, and a commitment to hire local employees to succeed in those jobs. This is a long-term investment for a healthy workforce in Hawai'i.

Good Jobs Hawai'i focuses on sector partnerships that are industry-led, community-supported collaboratives that strengthen local economies and prepare and connect Hawaii’s young people to careers in in-demand industries.

There are four major sectors involved in Good Jobs Hawai'i: Healthcare, Technology, Clean Energy/Skilled Trades and Creative Services. Learn more about Sector Partnerships.


How to get INVOLVED

Business leaders in each sector are invited to join the Good Jobs Hawai'i coalition to help identify positions that need to be filled, increase training opportunities, and prioritize our local workforce in hiring and advancement.

Talent Pledge

Good Jobs Hawai‘i Coalition

Our organization wants to join the Good Jobs Hawai‘i Coalition. As an executive or business owner of my company, we are ready to sign the Talent Action Pledge.

Talent Pledge steps

Current Participants

Sector Partnerships

If your company is already engaged in Sector Partnerships in Healthcare or IT and you’re ready to train and hire local workers for entry level jobs, we can help you get started. Interested in bringing a paid intern onboard? We can assist you!

We Want to Learn More

If you are ready to engage and want to learn more, please get in touch with one of our sectors directly:

Healthcare Sector: HAHworkforceteam@hah.org
Technology Sector: sectorpartnerships@cochawaii.org
Creative Industries Sector: dbedt.creativeHI.GJH@hawaii.gov
Clean Energy Sector: dbedt.energyoffice@hawaii.gov

Resources to learn more

Resources to learn more about employer commitments to work-based learning and other initiatives:

Key Sector Leads