General Education Inquiry Team
The General Education Inquiry Team is a UHCC professional development initiative focused on learning the best practices and current trends in general education.
Comprised of faculty and administrators representing each of the community colleges (CCs), the General Education Inquiry Team receives support from Academic Affairs.
Our Tasks
- Participate in the American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) virtual Institute on General Education and Assessment from June 5-9, 2023 as part of a small team.
- Meet at least once during the summer after the institute to debrief on what was learned, and create a plan for the 2023-2024 academic year.
- Meet monthly during the 2023-2024 academic year to continue work on the plan, which includes researching best practices, reviewing general education programs at other well-regarded community colleges, and creating shared understanding across the CCs of current general education practices.
- Offer or host workshops on our respective campuses to share what has been learned with regards to general education.
- Attend the AAC&U 2024 Conference on Diversity, Equity, and Student Success from March 21-23, 2024 in Philadelphia, PA or Conference on General Education, Pedagogy, and Assessment from April 10-13, 2024 in Providence, RI.
- Present on our initial findings at the 2024 Hawaiʻi Student Success Institute (HISSI) on March 8, 2024.
Key Objectives
The General Education Inquiry Team has accomplished the following key objectives:
- Created and distributed a survey to faculty, staff, and in some cases, students, at each of the CCs to gather feedback about the perceived value of general education and how it is conveyed, general education methodologies currently being utilized, and ways to improve communication regarding the value of general education.
- Developed a working definition of general education based on analysis and discussion of survey responses:
The overarching goal is to create well-rounded individuals who are equipped to navigate a complex and diverse world, with skills and knowledge that extend beyond their chosen majors.
- Researched high impact practices in general education, and identified strategies to improve upon what exists.
- Presented three sessions at the 2024 HISSI:
- “Creating a Purpose for Gen Ed with a Little Help from ChatGPT”
- “Gen Ed for Gen Z”
- “Best Practices in General Education”
Melanie Dorado Wilson and Stephen Taylor
- Hawaiʻi CC
Kenoalani Dela Cruz, Carrie Mospens
- Honolulu CC
Jennifer Higa-King, Elliot Ossanna, Derek Otsuji
- Kapiʻolani CC
Shawn Ford, Veronica Ogata, Anthony Silva
- Kauaʻi CC
Mark Ombrello, Stephen Taylor
- Leeward CC
Michelle Igarashi, Genai Uʻilani Keliʻikuli
- UH Maui College
Kaheleonolani Dukelow, Liana Horovitz, Melissa Kirkendall
- Windward CC
Sarah Akina, Melanie Dorado Wilson, Lance Uyeda
- UHCC System
Kathryn Fujioka-Imai, Joshua Kaʻakua
Contact Us
Kathryn Fujioka-Imai,
Joshua Kaʻakua,
UH Community Colleges
2327 Dole Street
Honolulu, HI 96822
Phone: (808) 956-3869