Marketing and Communications

Working cooperatively with all seven community colleges and the University of Hawai’i System, the Marketing and Communications office works to communicate the mission, values and news of the University of Hawai’i Community Colleges through systemwide marketing, branding and public relations strategies.

Our primary responsibility is to promote UHCC in ways that enhance the public’s knowledge and understanding of the seven community colleges; increase interest, support and enrollment in the colleges; and strengthen–locally, regionally and nationally–the reputation of the colleges.

We aim to improve and streamline interpersonal and institution-wide communication to better and more efficiently serve the students and college community.

Target Areas

Because today’s marketing strategies must encompass the full spectrum of communication channels, we have organized our functions into four distinctive areas and established new collaborative teams across the system that allow us to build upon each other’s strengths and talents.

Branding & Advertising

Media & Public Relations

Online Experience & Emerging Technologies

Strategic Planning & Research

Contact Us


Lesli Yogi, Director, (808) 956-5852
Bryan Bowers, Web Developer, (808) 956-3990


UH Community Colleges
Marketing & Communications
2327 Dole Street, Room 3
Honolulu, HI 96822

Phone: (808) 956-5852