Systemwide Online Education Committee

The UHCC Systemwide Online Education (OE) Committee works to ensure that students in the University of Hawaiʻi Community College’s online programs experience equitable access to innovative, authentic, learner-focused experiences that empower them with the knowledge and skills to thrive in their chosen career path.

Comprised of faculty, staff, and students representing each of the community colleges, the UHCC Systemwide OE Committee receives support from Academic Affairs.


  1. Provide and communicate a framework for the online delivery of high-quality courses and programs, including the online support services needed to do so.
    • Review Vision and Objectives – Any recommended changes? Does this speak to what we collectively should be doing at the CCs?
    • Create a baseline rubric for campuses to use to assess if we are meeting the framework objectives (more than quality assurance)?
  2. Survey the community college communities to identify areas of need or gaps in online education.
    • Are there programs that should be fully online that currently are not?
    • How many colleges should offer the same online degree?
    • Are there barriers that need to be addressed for the delivery of online programs?
  3. Assess annually the state of online education at the UHCCs and make recommendations for improvement.
  4. Provide leadership and guidance to the community colleges on best practices and support efforts of continuous improvement systemwide.


  1. Each community college will select 2 faculty or staff representatives and 1 student representative to serve on the systemwide committee for the academic year.
  2. The UHCC System Office will be represented by the Director of Academic Programs and the UHCC System Online office, currently 2 instructional designers.
  3. The committee is sponsored by the Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs.

Meeting Frequency

  1. Meetings will be held monthly for 90 minutes on the third Friday of the month during the regular academic year.
  2. Summer meetings will be held if agreed upon by a majority of the membership and will be considered optional.

Contact Us


Avree Ito-Fujita, Instructional Designer
Helen Torigoe, Instructional Designer


UH Community Colleges
Online Teaching Service
879 North King Street
Honolulu, HI 96817
