UHCC Policy 1.103

1.103 - Community Colleges International Education Council

UHCC Policy Chapter 1, General Provisions
UHCC Policy 1.103 International Education Council
Effective Date: February 2018
Prior Dates Amended: April 2010, April 2018 (recodified)
Responsible Office: Office of the Vice President for Community Colleges
Governing Board of Regents Policy: N/A
Review Date: February 2021

  1. Purpose:
    The purpose of this policy is to establish the International Education Council (IEC) to advise the Vice President for Community Colleges (VPCC) on matters pertaining to international education. The role of the IEC is to provide a forum for communication, problem-solving, consensus building, and a mechanism to collaboratively guide the development of international policies and operations in the UH Community College System.
  2. Definitions:
  3. Executive Policy:
    1. The UHCC International Education Director shall have the responsibility to:
      1. Convene the IEC on a regular basis;
      2. Bring to the attention of the IEC issues related to international education potentially impacting the community colleges;
      3. Seek advice and recommendations on community college systemwide international policies and issues; and
      4. Involve the IEC in planning, policy, assessment, and budgeting for international issues for the community college system. To effectively carry out its duties, the IEC will be periodically briefed by the VPCC or
        designated individuals on significant external policies or environmental conditions affecting the colleges and the community college system.
    2. The IEC shall have the responsibility to:
      1. Advise the VPCC on matters of international education policy, quality, and standards;
      2. Bring to the VPCC’s attention international education issues potentially impacting community colleges; and
      3. Collaborate with the VPCC and others in policy development, in establishing and refining operational procedures and practices, and in strategic and facilities planning and budgeting for the community college
        system with regard to international education issues.
    3. Membership
      1. IEC membership shall consist of:
        1. Two representatives from each of the seven community colleges, appointed by the Chancellor of each campus. Should a member drop out, the Chancellor shall appoint a new member.
        2. Office of the VPCC: UHCC International Education Director and CC & International Education Manager
      2. If both campus representatives are unable to attend the meeting of the IEC, he or she may send another as a substitute.
      3. Advance notification of guests will be provided prior to the meeting.
    4. Chair
      1. An IEC Chair and Vice Chair will be selected from the IEC membership at the first meeting of the academic year.
      2. Chair will be responsible for setting the agenda for each meeting by working with the VPCC and IEC as well as running the meetings.
      3. Vice Chair will assume the duties and responsibilities of the Chair in the absence of the Chair. Also, will undertake duties as may be assigned by the Chair, including responsibility for tracking and ensuring committee and/or individual tasks are progressing and completed in a timely manner.
    5. Meetings
      1. IEC shall meet quarterly during the academic year. Other meetings may be called as necessary. When face-to-face meeting is impractical, electronic communication and/or video conferencing access at the various campuses may be used.
      2. At the first meeting of each academic year, each campus will send their continuing, and outgoing/incoming representatives to the IEC meeting.
      3. First meeting will be held in August as a retreat and attendance shall be in person.
      4. Minutes of the meeting will be distributed in a timely manner to the members and posted on the website upon approval.
    6. Assessment
      1. At the final meeting of each spring semester, members and VPCC will discuss the effectiveness of the IEC during the previous year. The assessment will include recommendations for improvement, if any.
  4. Delegation of Authority:
  5. Contact Information:

    Subject Matter Experts

    Office of the Vice President for Community Colleges
    Phone: (808) 956-7038

  6. References:
  7. Exhibits and Appendices:
    No Exhibits and Appendices found