UHCC Policy 1.104

1.104 - Community College Council of Native Hawaiian Chairs

UHCC Policy Chapter 1, General Provisions
UHCC Policy 1.104 Community College Council of Native Hawaiian Chairs
Effective Date: January 2016
Prior Dates Amended: April 2018 (recodified)
Responsible Office: Office of the Vice President for Community Colleges
Governing Board of Regents Policy: N/A
Review Date: February 2021

  1. Purpose: To provide a formal, independent voice and organization through which the Native Hawaiian constituencies of the University of Hawai‘i Community College (UHCC) system can participate in the development and interpretation of systemwide policies and practices as they relate to Native Hawaiian programs, activities, initiatives, and issues. The Hawai‘i Papa O K Ao (HPOKA) report articulates the University’s vision to meet its mission of being a model indigenous serving institution. The UHCC Strategic Plan commits the UHCC to implement the recommendations of HPOKA in areas of leadership development, community engagement, and Hawaiian language and cultural parity. The role of Native Hawaiian governance is to advise the Vice President for Community Colleges (VPCC) on matters related to the community college system. The campus Native Hawaiian Council fulfills this role with the Chancellor and college governance.
  2. Definitions:
    The Council of Community College Native Hawaiian Chair Chairs (CCCNHC) is created as a means to implement key components of the following University of Hawai‘i policy:
    1. Hawai‘i Papa O Ke Ao Report
    2. University of Hawai‘i Community Colleges Strategic Plan
    3. UH Mission Statement
  3. Executive Policy:
    1. The Vice President for Community Colleges shall have the responsibility to:
      1. Convene the CCCNHC on a regular basis;
      2. Bring to the attention of the CCCNHC issues potentially impacting the community colleges;
      3. Seek advice and recommendations on community collegewide policies; and
      4. Involve the CCCNHC in planning and budgeting for the community college system to effectively carry out its duties. The CCCNHC will be periodically briefed by the VPCC or other designated individuals on significant external policies or environment conditions affecting the colleges and/or the community college system, on accreditation policies and guidelines related to planning, assessment, budgeting, and other topics intended to improve the outcomes of the planning and assessment process.
    2. The CCCNHC shall have the responsibility to:
      1. Provide advice to the VPCC on matters of policy, quality, and standards;
      2. Bring to the attention of the VPCC issues potentially impacting the community colleges;
      3. Provide advice on community collegewide academic policies that may impact Native Hawaiian students;
      4. Participate with the VPCC and others in academic planning and budgeting for the community college system; and
      5. Speak on behalf of campus Native Hawaiian constituency at meetings as the campus leader with the intent to minimize the time between initiation and action of an issue. Whenever possible, information will be provided in advance and in a timely manner. If Native Hawaiian Chairs require further discussion and information on complex and/or major issues, the action/decision can be deferred until information can be disseminated and consultation conducted at the respective campus(es). However, if an issue brought to the CCCNHC for discussion and consultation requires an immediate decision to allow the VPCC to act in the best interests of the community colleges, the Native Hawaiian Chairs shall have the authority to vote in the best interest of their campuses.
    3. The CCCNHC shall NOT be used to:
      1. Consider matters that are the purview of a campus. These matters should be considered by the respective Chancellor using normal campus governance and communication policies; and
      2. Consider matters that are the exclusive purview of collective bargaining.
    4. Membership
      1. The CCCNHC shall consist of the chairs of the Native Hawaiian Council from each of the seven community colleges. If a chair cannot attend a meeting of the CCCNHC, he or she may send another member of the Council as proxy.
      2. The Chair of the CCCNHC will work with the VPCC in setting the agenda for each meeting.
    5. Chair
      1. One CCNHC Chair will be selected from the community college Native Hawaiian Council chairs at the first meeting of the academic year.
    6. Meetings
      1. The CCCNHC shall meet quarterly or as needed during the academic year with the VPCC. Other meetings may be called as necessary. When a face-to-face meeting is not practical, electronic communication may be used to share information or seek advice.
      2. At the first meeting of each academic year, each campus’ Native Hawaiian Council will send their outgoing, incoming, and continuing representatives to the CCCNHC meeting.
      3. Minutes of the meetings shall be posted on the community college and the CCCHNC web sites.
    7. Assessment of Effectiveness
      1. At the final meeting of each spring semester, the members and the VPCC will discuss the effectiveness of the CCCNHC during the past year. The assessment will include recommendations for improvement, if any.
  4. Delegation of Authority:
  5. Contact Information:

    Subject Matter Experts

    Office of the Vice President for Community Colleges
    Phone: (808) 956-7038
  6. References:
  7. Exhibits and Appendices:
    No Exhibits and Appendices found