UHCC Policy 11.600

11.600 - Safety and Security Programs

UHCC Policy Chapter 11, Miscellaneous
UHCC Policy 11.600, Safety and Security Programs
Effective Date: April 2011
Prior Dates Amended: April 2018 (recodified)
Responsible Office: Office of the Vice President for Community Colleges
Governing Board of Regents Policy: Board of Regents Policy, RP 11.205, Public Health, Safety, and Security
Review Date: February 2021

  1. Purpose:
    1. UH Executive Policy authorizes campus Chancellors to develop and implement safety and security programs to protect the interests of the University which include life and property and to preserve a positive educational environment for its students, faculty, staff, and visitors.
    2. The purpose of this policy is to ensure consistency in professional standards and methodologies that support achievement of accreditation by the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators.
  2. Definitions:
    1. Campus Security Officer–Campus-employed workforce to provide safety and security services
    2. Homeland Security–General term commonly used to describe initiatives and activities of the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that protect against domestic and international threats both man-caused as well as natural hazards
    3. IACLEA (International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators)–An international organization that advances public safety for educational institutions by providing educational resources, advocacy, and professional development services in addition to implementing an accreditation program
    4. NIMS (National Incident Management System)–An operational system developed by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security that provides guidelines to ensure common response and recovery organization, protocols, and operational roles and responsibilities
    5. Professional Standards–The application of which include, but are not limited to institution, organization, policy, human resource, uniform and equipment, identification, documentation, practices, capability and proficiency, training, and exercises
    6. Security Guard–A contracted workforce to provide supplemental safety and security services
    7. Template–A document, either hardcopy or electronic, formatted and populated with essential content; intended to serve as a guide for further customization by the user
    8. UH–University of Hawai‘i (University)
    9. UHCC–University of Hawai‘i Community Colleges
  3. Executive Policy:
    1. Responsibilities
      1. Office of the Vice President for Community Colleges shall have the responsibility to:
        1. Provide direction and technical support in matters of safety and security professional standards and methodologies consistent with applicable IACLEA accreditation standards;
        2. Provide support for appropriate safety and security activities which offer collective benefit to UHCC campuses;
        3. Provide support to the UHCC campuses in the development of standardized procedures and guidelines by which campus security departments will operate; and
        4. Compile, review, and analyze safety and security data from all campuses and collaborate on improvement strategies and priorities.
      2. Chancellors have critical roles and responsibilities in campus safety and security. Security departments look to the Chancellors for leadership and guidance, as well as to set the standards for excellence. Achievement of safety and security excellence begins with a positive administrative role model who supports activities that promote best practices and promulgates common understandings of security’s roles and responsibilities within the campus administration.
      3. First impressions are crucial in interpersonal relations and best practices serve as the foundation upon which to build the best impressions. Security officers are often the campus’ first-line personnel. They must serve as the campus’ ambassadors and must be included as an integral part of campus life. Enabling security departments to elevate its proficiencies and capabilities will significantly increase the campus’ ability to maintain best impressions and to meet the safety and security needs and expectations of the students, faculty, staff, and visitors.
      4. To meet and sustain these objectives, Chancellors shall have the responsibility to:
        1. Establish and financially sustain the activities of their respective campus security departments;
        2. Establish campus-specific safety and security standard operating guidelines and emergency notification policies and protocols consistent with State and Federal guidelines;
        3. Ensure proper supervision of the actions and conduct of security personnel which may include establishing a code of ethics by which officers may abide; and establishing a process for internal investigations of officer conduct consistent with bargaining unit agreements;
        4. Ensure proper hiring methodologies and practices for security departments;
        5. Ensure that security officers (as well as contract security guards) receive basic training to include campus emergency and incident response procedures, Clery Act responsibilities, and nationally recognized Incident Command System protocols;
        6. Ensure that security officers (as well as contract security guards) are adequately equipped to respond to campus emergencies and incidents;
        7. Ensure that security officers are included in the campus administration required plans for timely notification and evacuation procedures in order to facilitatethe quick response that is expected of security officers in time of emergency or incident;
        8. Establish a formal system by which security officers can report hazards and discrepancies that have safety and security implications; and, by which facilities/maintenance can conduct and track remedial activities;
        9. Conduct annual security department assessments based on applicable areas of IACLEA accreditation standards; and, develop strategies for improvement;
        10. Ensure representation and participation in collaborative, system planning activities concerning safety and security;
        11. Promote and support safety and security enhancement training and exercise activities to maintain a state of readiness to ensure timely and efficient response to campus incidents;
        12. Ensure compliance with the following reporting requirements to include, but are not limited to:
          1. National Clery Act annual report
          2. National Department of Education annual report
          3. National Homeland Security NIMS annual compliance report
        13. Ensure that the security department cooperates with other campuses, institutional officials, and external agencies and authorities; and
        14. Ensure that the security department preserves information confidentiality and adheresto discretionary disclosure policies.
      5. Security officers or designated personnel shall have the responsibility to enforce campus-specific policies according to procedures and administrative orders and up to the limits of their authority.
        1. General Roles
          1. Campus responder to emergencies and incident
          2. Campus ambassador to fulfill requests for safety and security services and assistance
        2. Enforcement Roles
          1. Citizen’s arrest upon witnessing the commission of a crime
          2. Detention of a person while conducting an investigation or until the arrival of county law enforcement personnel
          3. Issuance of citations to include, but not limited to, parking and trespassing
    2. Limits of Authority
      1. Those tasked with enforcement of campus policies shall serve as unsworn safety and security personnel who are unarmed.
      2. Physical Jurisdiction
        1. Unless under activation of mutual assistance request, the areas of responsibility for campus safety and security departments are limited to their respective:
          1. On-campus property
          2. Off-campus properties
          3. Other public or private properties which are utilized for campus-sanctioned functions
        2. Under mutual assistance request, safety and security personnel shall follow the policies and procedures of the campus for which they have been assigned to assist
  4. Contact Information:

    Subject Matter Experts

    Office of the Vice President for Community Colleges
    Phone: (808) 956-7038

  5. References:
    1. Related University Policies
      1. Board of Regents Policy, Section 11.205, Public Health and Safety
      2. UHCC Policy 5.202, Review of Established Programs
    2. Related State and Federal Laws and Directives
      1. State of Hawai‘i, Hawaii Revised Statutes, Chapter 128, Civil Defense Emergency Act
      2. Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act), 20 U.S.C. 1092(f), Title II of Public Law: 101-542(S. 580)
      3. United States Department of Homeland Security, Presidential Directive/HSPD-5, Section 16(a), National Response Plan and National Incident Management System