UHCC Policy 4.101 Attachment 1

4.101 Attachment 1 - Strategic Plan Outline

  1. Mission and Philosophy
    1. Describe the mission of the Community Colleges in relation to the overall mission of the University.
    2. Detail the Community Colleges core values which influence the fundamental decisions, attitudes and behaviors of its faculty and staff.
  2. Planning Context
    1. Discuss the external factors (e.g., demographic, social, economic, technological, etc.) affecting the Colleges, including the impact of members of the community with special educational needs such as the educationally under-prepared, limited English-speaking, the handicapped, etc.
    2. Discuss the internal factors (e.g., staffing, curriculum, resource reallocation, student characteristics, etc.) affecting our ability to deliver quality programs and services.
    3. Highlight the major planning assumptions that will play a role in the development of a plan.
  3. Assessment
    1. Summarize the major highlights of the Colleges' most recent accreditation report, program reviews, and other evaluative studies relating to the UHCC, its faculty and staff, and its programs
    2. Describe progress toward implementing previous College priorities, with special reference to the College's progress toward meeting established long-range goals, the University's Strategic Plan, and the Community College's Strategic Plan, 1997-2007.
  4. Priorities
    1. Detail UHCC system-wide priorities for the planning period.
    2. Summarize individual campus priorities for the planning period.
  5. Resource Requirements
    1. Describe the major emphasis and the resources required to accomplish the priorities detailed in the Plan.
    2. Detail a financial plan necessary to accomplish the priorities detailed in the plan.
  6. Contact Information:

    Subject Matter Experts

    Office of the Vice President for Community Colleges
    Phone: (808) 956-7038