UHCC Policy 4.101

4.101 - Strategic Academic Planning

UHCC Policy Chapter 4, Planning
UHCC Policy 4.101 Strategic Academic Planning
Effective Date: May 2006
Prior Dates Amended: April 2018 (recodified)
Responsible Office: Office of the Vice President for Community Colleges Governing Board of Regents Policy: RP 4.203, Section 4-3, Unit Academic Plans
Review Date: February 2021

  1. Purpose:
    1. Within the overall mission of the University of Hawai’i, the Community Colleges has as their special mission1:
      1. Access: To broaden access to postsecondary education in Hawai’i, regionally, and internationally by providing open door opportunities for students to enter quality educational programs within their own communities.
      2. Learning and Teaching: To specialize in the effective teaching of remedial/developmental education, general education, and other introductory liberal arts, pre-professional, and selected baccalaureate courses and programs.
      3. Work Force Development: To provide the trained workforce needed in the State, the region, and internationally by offering occupational, technical, and professional courses and programs which prepare students for immediate employment and career advancement.
      4. Personal Development: To provide opportunities for personal enrichment, occupational upgrading, and career mobility through credit and non-credit courses and activities.
      5. Community Development: To contribute to and stimulate the cultural and intellectual life of the community by providing a forum for the discussion of ideas; by providing leadership, knowledge, problem-solving skills, and general informational services; and by providing opportunities for community members to develop their creativity and appreciate the creative endeavors of others.
      6. Diversity: By building upon Hawai‘i’s unique multi-cultural environment and geographic location through efforts in curriculum development and productive relationships with international counterparts in Asia and the Pacific, UHCC students’ learning experiences will prepare them for the global workplace.
    2. Within the context of this mission and University of Hawai’i established priorities, strategic academic planning within the community colleges is designed to periodically assess both internal institutional practices and evolving community needs, and to establish community college system goals and priorities in response to the outcomes of those assessments.
    3. The resultant UHCC Strategic Plan sets a framework for coordinated system action. This plan, coupled with campus academic development plans, allows us to focus our limited resources on our most important tasks.
  2. Definitions:
    Strategic academic planning within the community colleges is carried out as a means to implement key components of the following University of Hawai‘i policies:
    1. Board of Regents Policy, RP 4.203, Unit Academic Plans
    2. University Executive Policy E4.201, Integrated Long-Range Planning Framework
  3. Executive Policy:
    1. Strategic Planning Council
      1. The process to develop an effective plan involves a partnership among students, faculty, and administrators from across the system to ensure that critical issues were identified, and that a mutual commitment to the accomplishment of shared goals and priorities is established. The community colleges Strategic Planning Council (SPC) is the primary body for assuring system-wide participation in the UHCC strategic planning process. The membership of the SPC consists of the Chancellor, Faculty Senate Chair, and student government chair from each campus, and the Vice President and Associate Vice Presidents
        for the Community Colleges.
      2. Minutes of the meetings of the SPC shall be posted on the community college web site.
      3. Responsibilities
        1. The Vice President for Community Colleges shall have the responsibility to:
          1. Convene the SPC on a periodic basis;
          2. Bring to the attention of members of the SPC assessments of internal operational issues and external community issues potentially impacting the community colleges;
          3. Establish a format (Attachment 1) and process to guide the development of a published plan;
          4. Work with the SPC to develop and publish a multi-year UHCC Strategic Plan for Board of Regents approval. The plan shall incorporate broad input from both internal and external constituencies;
          5. Use the outcomes of the strategic planning process to set UHCC system goals and priorities that are reflected in program planning, budget planning and resource allocation decisions;
          6. Periodically assess the UHCC progress toward the system goals and priorities in the currently approved Strategic Plan;
          7. Approve campus multi-year academic plans;
          8. Assign staff to support the efficient functioning of the SPC.
      4. The members of the SPC shall have the responsibility to:
        1. Participate with members of the SPC and others in the development of a strategic academic plan and budget for the community college system;
        2. Bring to the attention of the SPC internal and external issues potentially impacting the community colleges;
        3. Provide advice on community college-wide assessments, goals, and priorities.
    2. Campus Academic Planning
      1. Each campus, under the leadership of the respective Chancellor, shall establish a strategic academic planning process, and, within the scope of the campus mission and UHCC system goals and priorities, prepare a multi-year strategic academic plan for submission to the VPCC.
    3. Assessment of Effectiveness
      1. At the final meeting of each spring semester, members of the SPC will discuss the effectiveness of the UHCC strategic academic planning process during the past year.

        The assessment will include recommendations for improvement, if any.
  4. Delegation of Authority:
  5. Contact Information:

    Subject Matter Experts

    Office of the Vice President for Community Colleges
    Phone: (808) 956-7038
  6. References:
    1. Board of Regents Policy, RP 4.203, Section 4-3, Unit Academic Plans
    2. University Executive Policy, EP 4.201, C-3, Unit Academic Plans; C-4 Subunit Academic Plan
  7. Exhibits and Appendices:
    1. Attachment 1 - UHCC Strategic Plan Outline