UHCC Policy 5.202 - 1A

5.202 - Attachment 1A - Instructional Annual Report Program Data (ARPD) Procedures, Components, and Measures

  1. Procedures
    1. The following procedures have been developed to assure more consistent data collection practices in the compilation, analysis, and reporting of the minimum measures, and to use the Annual Report of Program Data in the college planning and resource allocation/reallocation processes:
      1. The Quantitative Measures will use data from UH system sources such as the Operational Data Store (ODS), Management And Planning Support (MAPS), and system designated occupational outlook sources;
      2. The Office of the Vice President for Community Colleges (OVPCC) shall by August 15th compile and distribute data to the colleges for the system required minimum set of Quantitative Measures;
      3. The data used shall come from the most recently completed academic year (summer, fall, spring). Quantitative measures for the two prior academic years shall be included with the Annual Report of Program
        Data (total of three years of data) and;
      4. Colleges will complete the Annual Report of Program Data by the end of the fall semester and;
      5. Program Health in the categories of overall, demand, efficiency, and effectiveness will be calculated according to the systemwide program health scoring rubric and;
      6. Completed Annual Reports of Program Data shall be posted on the college web site and;
      7. Colleges will complete/submit an electronic file (including an overall summary of all instructional programs) to the OVPCC by December 15th, in the form and format requested by the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs.
  2. Components and Measures
    1. At a minimum, each college’s Annual Report of Program Data shall consist of the following components and measures. Colleges may use additional components and measures for their internal assessment process.
    2. Program Mission: Statement and brief description of the program including a listing of program level Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs).
    3. Part I. Quantitative Indicators for Annual Report of Program Data
      1. Overall Program Health (calculated using the systemwide scoring rubric which includes scores for Demand, Efficiency, and Effectiveness categories)
      2. Demand Indicators
        1. Annual New and Replacement Positions – State for Career Technical Education (CTE) programs
        2. Annual New and Replacement Positions – County prorated (for CTE programs)
        3. Number of majors
          1. Percent Change Majors from Prior Year for General Pre-Professional (GPP) programs
        4. Student Semester Hours (SSH) Program Majors in Program Classes
        5. Student Semester Hours (SSH) Non-Majors in program Classes
        6. Student Semester Hours (SSH) in all Program Classes
        7. FTE Enrollment in Program Classes
        8. Total Number of Classes Taught
        9. Program Health Demand (Healthy, Cautionary, Unhealthy)
      3. Efficiency Indicators
        1. Average class size
        2. Fill Rate
        3. FTE BOR Appointed Faculty
        4. Majors to FTE BOR Appointed Faculty
        5. Majors to Analytic FTE Faculty
        6. Overall Program Budget Allocation
          1. General Funded Budget Allocation
          2. Special/Federal Funded Budget Allocation
        7. Cost per Student Semester Hour (SSH)
        8. Number of Low-Enrolled (less than 10 students) Classes Taught
        9. Percent of Classes Taught by Lecturers
        10. Program Health Efficiency (Healthy, Cautionary, Unhealthy)
      4. Effectiveness Indicators
        1. Successful Completion (Equivalent C or higher)
        2. Withdrawals (Grade = W)
        3. Persistence (Fall to Spring)
        4. Unduplicated Degrees/Certificates Awarded
          1. Degrees Awarded
          2. Certificates of Achievement Awarded
          3. Academic Subject Certificates awarded (Liberal Arts only)
          4. Other Certificates Awarded
          5. Difference between Unduplicated Award and Strategic Plan Goal (General Pre-Professional programs)
        5. Transfers to UH 4-year institutions
          1. Transfers with Credential/Degree from Program
          2. Transfers without Credential/Degree from Program
          3. Increase by 3% Annual Transfers to UH 4-year Strategic Plan Goal (General Pre Professional Programs)
          4. Difference Between Transfers and Goal
        6. External Qualifying Examinations and Licensing
        7. Program Health Effectiveness (Healthy, Cautionary, Unhealthy)
      5. Distance Education (Completely On-Line Classes)
        1. Number of Distance Education Classes Taught
        2. Enrollment Distance Education Classes
        3. Fill Rate
        4. Successful Completion (Equivalent C or higher)
        5. Withdrawals (Grade = W)
        6. Persistence (Fall to Spring Not limited to Distance Education Classes)
      6. Perkins Core Indicators (CTE Programs Only)
        1. 1P1 Technical Skills Attainment
        2. 2P1 Completion
        3. 3P1 Student Retention or Transfer
        4. 4P1 Student Placement
        5. 5P1 Nontraditional Participation
        6. 5P2 Nontraditional Completion
    4. Part II. Analysis of the Program (strengths and weaknesses in terms of demand, efficiency, and effectiveness based on an analysis of the Quantitative Indicators in Part I. CTE programs must include analysis of the Perkins Core indicators for which the program did not meet the performance level. Include Significant Program Actions (new certificates, stop outs, gain/loss of positions, results of prior year’s action plan).
      1. Student Learning Outcomes:
        1. List of the Program Student Learning Outcomes
        2. Program Student Learning Outcomes that have been assessed in the year of the Annual Review of Program Data.
        3. Assessment Results
        4. Changes that have been made as a result of the assessments.
    5. Part III. Action Plan – Include how the actions within the plan support the college’s mission. In addition to the overall action plan for the program, include specific action plans for any Perkins Core Indicator for which the program did not meet the performance level.
    6. Part IV. Resource Implications (physical, human, financial)