UHCC Policy 5.206

5.206 - Reverse Transfer

UHCC Policy Chapter 5, Academic Affairs
UHCC Policy 5.206, Reverse Transfer
Effective Date: July 2016
Prior Dates Amended: April 2018 (recodified)
Responsible Office: Office of the Vice President for Community Colleges RP 5.208, Section 5(c) Conferring of Academic Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates
Review Date: February 2021

  1. Purpose:

    The University of Hawai‘i is committed to increasing the educational capital of the state by increasing students’ completion of credentials and preparing them for success in the workforce and their communities. Reverse transfer allows community college students who transferred to a UH four-year institution before completing their associate of arts or associate of science degree to obtain that credential while progressing toward their bachelor’s degree. This policy ensures a systemized process that leads to an automatic credit review and awarding of associate degrees to students who have met the community college program requirements after transferring to a UH four-year institution.

  2. Definitions:
  3. Executive Policy:
    1. Responsibilities
      1. Vice President for Community Colleges (or designee) is responsible to:
        1. Ensure consistency and periodical review and assessment of college reverse transfer procedures across the UH Community College System as appropriate; and
        2. Ensure a list of STAR Reverse Transfer procedure issues is communicated to the STAR system director/coordinator.
      2. Chancellor (or designee) is responsible to:
        1. Ensure that college program requirements are current and accurate in STAR;
        2. Ensure that college procedures for awarding credentials (through Reverse Transfer or at the college) minimize and/or remove barriers to student completion;
        3. Develop a college process and procedures that ensure students who have successfully completed all program requirements (as identified in STAR) after transferring to a UH baccalaureate institution are awarded the appropriate community college credential;
        4. Ensure that implementation of this policy or college-developed procedures will not supersede UHCCP 5.208 Residency for Graduation;
        5. Share a transfer database and work toward a common acceptable database. E5.209,p.7; and
        6. STAR director/coordinator is responsible for notifying each college’s Vice Chancellor/Dean for Student Affairs of students previously enrolled at the college who, based on UH baccalaureate credits earned, meet the STAR rules for program completion at the community college.
    2. Procedures
      1. The college will establish procedures to award the STAR-identified credential to include:
        1. Enter into multi-campus articulation agreements, as needed. Such agreements involve waiver of course-by-course review by the receiving campus according to mutually agreed-upon procedures. For example, procedures are stipulated in the Foundations Agreements (See E5.209Appendix II and Appendix III).
        2. Transfer of previously earned credits. Credits earned at a regionally accredited non-UH institution and accepted by any campus within the University of Hawai‘i System shall be accepted by any other University of Hawai‘i Community College. However, applicability of these credits to degree requirements is determined by the receiving campus.
        3. Accept courses identified at another UH institution as fulfilling lower division general education core (basic/area or foundations/diversification) requirements as meeting the same requirement for its degrees.
        4. Allow use of upper division elective credits to fulfill associate degree electives. The use will be consistent for all associate degrees.
        5. Allow substitution of appropriate upper and lower level courses taken elsewhere as meeting the requirement of the associate degree. The use will be consistent for all associate degrees.
        6. Award multiple credentials if the student meets all program requirements.
        7. STAR director/coordinator shall send list to each college’s Vice Chancellor/Dean for Student Affairs by December 1st, and by May 1st for fall and spring graduations, respectively. If student meets program STAR rules, student will be deemed to have met graduation requirements. STAR will make rule corrections as needed.
      2. Assessment of the Process for Reverse Transfer
        1. Associate Vice President for Community Colleges Academic Affairs (or designee) will ensure that UH Community College Vice Chancellors for Academic Affairs and Vice Chancellors/Deans for Student Affairs review the effectiveness of reverse transfer and revise the process as needed.
  4. Delegation of Authority:
  5. Contact Information:

    Subject Matter Experts

    Office of the Vice President for Community Colleges
    Phone: (808) 956-7038
  6. References:
    1. Board of Regents Policy, RP 5.208, Section 5(c) Conferring of Academic Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates
    2. University Executive Policy, EP 5.101, Authority to Award Degrees and Certificates for Programs Authorized by the Board of Regents
    3. University Executive Policy, EP 5.203, University of Hawai‘i Program Credentials
    4. University Systemwide Executive Policy, E5.209, University of Hawai‘i System Student Transfer and Inter-Campus Articulation
    5. UHCC Policy 5.203 Program Credentials Degrees and Certificates
    6. UHCC Policy 5.205 Notation of Academic Credentials
    7. UHCC Policy 5.208 Residency for Graduation
    8. Memorandum of Agreement Transfer of General Education Core Requirements, May 2010 (extension effective May 27, 2015)
    9. STAR as the Official Arbiter of Degree Completion
  7. Exhibits and Appendices:

    No Exhibits and Appendices found.