UHCC Policy 9.104

9.104 - Lecturer Evaluation

UHCC Policy Chapter 9, Personnel
UHCC Policy 9.104. Lecturer Evaluation
Effective Date: December 2013
Prior Dates Amended: April 2018 (recodified)
Responsible Office: Office of the Vice President for Community Colleges
Governing Board of Regents Policy: N/A
Review Date: February 2021

  1. Purpose:

    As lecturers may be employed by more than one community college, this policy sets minimum evaluation standards to ensure consistency in the lecturer evaluation process within the University of Hawai‘i Community Colleges (UHCC).

  2. Definitions:

    Lecturer–Person employed to teach individual credit classes to meet demand that cannot be met by regular faculty or because of special expertise that the lecturer may bring to a class. The lecturer appointment is for the duration of the class.

  3. Executive Policy:
    1. Responsibilities
      1. The Vice President for Community Colleges will maintain oversight of the evaluation process to include:
        1. Monitoring the compliance of the evaluation policy by the campuses;
        2. Providing assistance in resolving any discrepancies in recommendation for lecturers teaching at multiples campuses; or
        3. Conducting a review of the evaluation policy at least once every three years.
      2. The Chancellor or designee shall establish campus procedures and evaluation schedules for the lecturer evaluation process in accordance with this policy.
    2. Guidelines
      1. Lecturers must meet the same academic qualificationsas faculty members.
      2. The job responsibility for lecturers is limited to teaching the class and providing for a limited amount of student contact through office hours or other communication means.
      3. The lecturer position does not include curriculum development, development of student learning outcomes, college service, or other professional duties expected of faculty members.
      4. Lecturers are expected to follow the course, program and institutional student learning outcomes and assessment methodologies as adopted by faculty members for the courses they are teaching.
      5. Submittal Requirements
        1. All lecturers at Step A shall be evaluated once each year; all lecturers at Step B shall be evaluated once every two years and all lecturers at Step C shall be evaluated once every four years. Evaluations may be required at more frequent intervals for lecturers at Steps B and C if there are concerns with the lecturer’s performance.
        2. Minimally, the lecturer evaluation submittal must include one peer evaluation, results of student evaluations for all classes taught, and a self analysis of:
          1. Degree of attainment of student learning outcomes in the classes taught. It is understood that the lecturer is not solely responsible for the attainment of student learning outcomes by all students;
          2. Instructional strategies and their effectiveness in the class;
          3. Results of the peer and student evaluation and any planned actions as a result of the comments; and
          4. Responses to prior evaluation recommendations, if any.
            1. Campuses may reduce the frequency of peer evaluations for lecturers at Step B or Step C.
        3. The lecturer shall submit to the Department/Division Chair a self-assessment, and peer and student evaluations. The Department/Division Chair will provide feedback to the lecturer, including strengths and weaknesses, and make a recommendation on hire/re-hire to the Vice Chancellor or designee. The lecturer will be notified by April 30 whether he/she remains in good standing and is eligible for assignment to classes.
        4. Submission of an evaluation document by April 1 is a condition for re-hire in subsequent semesters.
        5. Lecturers hired in the fall semester but who do not have spring assignments are responsible for submitting an evaluation document by April 1.
        6. Lecturers hired in the spring semester are responsible for submitting an evaluation document by April 1. Campuses may choose to reduce the requested information based on availability at the time of submission, as appropriate.
        7. In situations where lecturers are employed by more than one community college, the reviewing parties will consult with the other campus(es) on the lecturer’s evaluation.
  4. Delegation of Authority:
  5. Contact Information:

    Subject Matter Experts

    Office of the Vice President for Community Colleges
    Phone: (808) 956-7038

  6. References:


  7. Exhibits and Appendices:

    No Exhibits and Appendices.