UHCC Policy 9.210

9.210 - Recruitment, Selection, and Appointment of Community College Chancellors

UHCC Policy Chapter 9, Personnel
UHCC Policy 9.210, Recruitment, Selection, and Appointment of Community College Chancellors
Effective Date: April 2018
Prior Dates Amended:
Responsible Office: Office of the Vice President for Community Colleges
Governing Board of Regents Policy: RP 9.212 Executive and Managerial Personnel Policies (Section III.D.3)
Review Date: February 2021

  1. Purpose:

    The successful recruitment and appointment of the Chancellor for a community college is a critical process for both the campus and the University of Hawai`i Community College (UHCC) System. This policy establishes the broad parameters for this recruitment and selection and is intended to provide for an orderly transition in leadership for the campus.

  2. Executive Policy:
    1. Appointment and Approval of the Chancellor
      1. In accordance with University of Hawai`i (UH) Board of Regents policy, RP 9.212, the Vice President for Community Colleges (VPCC) makes the selection and is the appointing authority for the Chancellor. The UH President approves the appointment upon the recommendation of the VPCC.
    2. Qualifications for Chancellor
      1. The minimum qualifications for the Chancellor shall be those established in the official position description maintained by the University. Components of the position description, including the desirable qualifications and narrative, may be added, modified, or deleted to reflect the needs of the campus, subject to approval of the VPCC, based on consultation with the UHCC Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action (EEO/AA) Director and the UHCC Human Resources Director.
    3. Chancellor Search Advisory Committee
      1. A Chancellor Search Advisory Committee (CSAC) shall advise the VPCC during the search and selection process. The CSAC shall consist of a broad representation of campus and community constituencies. The exact number and composition of the CSAC shall be determined in consultation with the campus governance groups but must include faculty, staff, students, Native Hawaiian Council, administrative, and community members.
      2. The respective faculty, student, staff, Native Hawaiian Council governance groups, and administrative members shall nominate two individuals for each CSAC member representing their constituency.
      3. The VPCC shall determine the final composition of the CSAC. The UHCC EEO/AA Director shall also approve the CSAC membership to ensure the CSAC is diverse.
      4. The CSAC shall be supported by a search coordinator appointed by the VPCC.
    4. Recruitment
      1. The recruitment for the Chancellor shall include minimally:
        • Notice in the UH job announcement website;
        • Notice in the Chronicle for Higher Education;
        • Notice to national professional organizations; and
        • Notice to organizations supporting individuals in underrepresented groups.
      2. An executive search firm may be employed to provide assistance in the recruitment process.
    5. Selection
      1. The CSAC shall review all applications in accordance with EEO/AA rules and regulations.
      2. A preliminary slate of candidates shall be selected from the pool of applicants for an initial interview with the CSAC. The initial interview may be conducted electronically.
      3. The finalists shall be recommended by the CSAC, in consultation with the Office of the VPCC, for campus visits. Each visit will include interviews with the CSAC, the UHCC/UH executive/management team, and the VPCC and UH president. In addition, finalists may participate in campus open forums.
      4. Upon completion of the visits, the CSAC shall submit an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses as well as interview scores of the finalists to the VPCC. The VPCC shall consider these comments as well as comments from attendees at the open forums, other interviews, and reference checks in making a final selection and recommendation to the UH President.
    6. Selection Without Recruitment
      1. In extenuating circumstances, and with the consensus of the campus governance groups, the VPCC may make a selection by appointing an existing executive/managerial employee to the Chancellor position.
    7. Interim Appointment as Chancellor
      1. In the event that the Chancellor position becomes vacant before a permanent Chancellor is appointed, the VPCC may appoint an interim Chancellor after consultation with campus governance groups.
  3. Delegation of Authority:
  4. Contact Information:

    Subject Matter Experts

    Office of the Vice President for Community Colleges
    Phone: (808) 956-7038

  5. References:


  6. Exhibits and Appendices:

    No Exhibits and Appendices.