UHCC Policy 9.301-A1

9.301 - Attachment 1: Sample Procedures to Implement Policies Relating to Acting Instructors

  1. Purpose:

    The purpose of this campus procedure is to outline the process involved when hiring an Acting Instructor and when advancing the faculty member from Acting Instructor to Instructor status.

    1. Related Policies
      1. Board of Regents Bylaws and Policy, Section 9(3), Community College Classification Plan and Compensation Policy; University of Hawai‘i Community Colleges Policy, UHCCP #9.301, Acting Instructor.
    2. Implementation Procedures
      1. When a faculty member is hired on as an Acting Instructor, it is the Vice Chancellor/Dean/Director’s responsibility to ensure that he/she meets all minimum qualifications within three (3) years.
      2. The Acting Instructor must develop a professional development plan together with the Vice Chancellor/Dean/Director to meet the minimum qualifications within three years of the appointment. The faculty member must modify the professional development plan with new deadlines in the event an extension is granted.
      3. If an extension beyond the three year period is requested by the Acting Instructor and the Department Chair and Vice Chancellor/Dean/Director supports the request, their recommendation and the faculty member’s extension request shall be submitted to the Chancellor for approval prior to the end of the current Acting appointment period. The Vice Chancellor/Dean/Director’s recommendation should include a description of the circumstances, an explanation as to why the extension should be granted and the time frame in which the faculty intends to meet the minimum qualification requirements.
      4. Upon meeting the minimum qualifications, the faculty member is responsible for initiating the request and submitting documentation to the respective Department/Division Chair that he/she has met the stated minimum qualifications. The Department/Division Chair should review the documentation and submit to the Chancellor via the Vice Chancellor/Dean/Director his/her recommendation for the faculty member’s advancement from Acting Instructor to Instructor, the faculty member’s request, copies of the documentation provided by the faculty member verifying that the minimum qualifications have been met (e.g., a copy of college transcripts or certifications).
  2. Contact Information:

    Subject Matter Experts

    Office of the Vice President for Community Colleges
    Phone: (808) 956-7038