UHCC Policy 9.495

9.495 - Long-Term Vacancy

UHCC Policy Chapter 9, Personnel
UHCC Policy 9.495, Long-Term Vacancy
Effective Date: November 2012
Prior Dates Amended: April 2018 (recodified)
Responsible Office: Office of the Vice President for Community Colleges
Governing Board of Regents Policy: N/A
Review Date: February 2021

    1. Purpose:

      The University of Hawai‘i Community Colleges (UHCC) recognizes the need to make more effective use of vacant positions throughout the UHCC system. The traditional approach to securing new positions for workload and new program requirements has made it difficult for the campuses to respond to enrollment growth and changing workforce needs. The purpose of this policy is to establish a systemwide pool of vacant
      positions, consisting of positions that have remained vacant for two years or longer, that can be used to meet immediate campus staffing needs.

    2. Definitions:
      1. Vacancy Report The vacancy report is an annual report completed by the campuses in July of each year, detailing the types of positions that are vacant, the length of time that each position has remained vacant and the status of each vacant position.
      2. Long-Term Vacancy A long-term vacancy is a position that has remained vacant for two years or more as of June 30 of the preceding fiscal year. Long-term vacancies shall:
        1. Apply to authorized (BJ and BT) general fund positions only;
        2. Include positions that are filled on a temporary basis (e.g., limited term appointments, emergency hires, etc.) as these positions are still considered vacant for this purpose; and
        3. Exclude positions that are tied to incumbents with return rights.
      3. Vacancy Pool The vacancy pool is a central pool of vacant positions in the Office of the Vice President for Community Colleges. Long-term vacant position counts will be transferred from the campuses to the central pool. Campuses that justify the need for position counts will receive positions from the central pool.

III. Executive Policy: 

    1. Each July, campuses will complete the annual vacancy report as of June 30 of the preceding year. Long-term vacancies identified on the report will be transferred to the central vacancy pool. Only position counts will be transferred.
      1. Positions identified for transfer will be abolished in PeopleSoft and will be transferred in the budget via the A-19 process.
      2. Position transfers will be reflected on the BJ Tables and organizational charts during the appropriate update cycles. If a transfer requires a reorganization, the position will be flagged on the organizational chart as a transfer that is pending the completion of a re-organization. Positions identified in this manner are reserved for the vacancy pool until all reorganization actions are completed and the position can actually be transferred.
    2. Campuses may request position counts from the pool to meet program needs by submitting a Request for Position form (Attachment 1 ). Only position counts will be provided as requesting campuses will be responsible to fund salaries through internal reallocations.
      1. Positions approved for transfer will be established in PeopleSoft and will be transferred in the budget via the A-19 process.
      2. Position transfers will be reflected on the BJ Tables and organizational charts during the appropriate update cycles. If the requesting campus requires a re-organization, the position will be transferred to allow the campus to begin the reorganization process. The position will appear as a footnote on the campus chart until the reorganization process is completed.
      3. Requesting campuses will initiate recruitment immediately following the transfer and will report on the status of the recruitment within 30 calendar days of the transfer. If a re-organization is needed prior to recruitment, a status of the re-organization proposal will be required within 30 calendar days of the transfer.
  1. Contact Information:

    Subject Matter Experts

    Office of the Vice President for Community Colleges
    Phone: (808) 956-7038

  2. Exhibits and Appendices:

    No Exhibits and Appendices.