UHCC Policy 8.450

8.450 - Retention and Disposition of Applications for Contract Renewal and Promotion/Tenure

UHCC Policy Chapter 8, Business and Finance
UHCC Policy 8.450, Retention and Disposition of Applications for Contract Renewal and Promotion/Tenure
Effective Date: November 2006
Prior Dates Amended: April 2018 (recodified)
Responsible Office: Office of the Vice President for Community Colleges
Governing Board of Regents Policy: N/A
Review Date: February 2021

  1. Purpose:

    The purpose of this Community College policy is to provide the retention schedule for applications for contract renewal and promotion/tenure.

  2. Definitions:
    1. As part of the contract renewal and promotion/tenure review process, faculty members prepare and submit applications which reflect their achievements, performance as faculty members, personal and professional development, and service to the college, University and community. The application is reviewed as part of the recognized and formalized academic process involving peers, administrators and the Board of Regents, as appropriate.
    2. Upon completion of the contract renewal and promotion/tenure process, the application is retained by the campus as official University property and any appendices are returned to the faculty member. This policy provides the retention and disposition schedule under which the application should be managed.
  3. Executive Policy:
    1. University policy requires that a retention schedule be established for records that are maintained by departments. The schedule should set forth the time when a record may be retired to inactive status and the time when the records may be disposed.
    2. The proposed records retention schedule should be forwarded to the Office of Procurement and Real Property Management which will in turn submit the schedule to the State Comptroller for approval as required by section 94-3, Hawai‘i Revised Statutes.
    3. Attachment 1 reflects the retention and disposition schedule for applications for contract renewal and tenure/promotion for the community colleges.
  4. Delegation of Authority:
    1. Vice President for Community Colleges
      1. Develop policies which specify the conditions under which the application should be retained and, subsequently, disposed; and
      2. Respond to questions regarding the disposition and retention of applications.
    2. Chancellors
      1. Ensure that the policies provided in the UHCCP are disseminated, understood, and observed by developing campus procedures for implementation of the procedures;
      2. Utilize judgment and discretion in exceptions to the retention and disposition schedule; and
      3. Ensure that applications retained by the campuses are held in a safe and secure location.
  5. Contact Information:

    Subject Matter Experts

    Office of the Vice President for Community Colleges
    Phone: (808) 956-7038

  6. References:
    1. University of Hawai‘i Administrative Procedure, AP 8.450, Records Management
  7. Exhibits and Appendices:
    1. Attachment 1--UHCC Retention and Disposition Schedule for Contract Renewal Submissions and Promotion and/or Tenure Dossier