UHCC Policy 9.301

9.301 - Acting Instructor

UHCC Policy Chapter 9, Personnel
UHCC Policy 9.301, Acting Instructor
Effective Date: December 2008
Prior Dates Amended: April 2018 (recodified)
Responsible Office: Office of the Vice President for Community Colleges
Governing Board of Regents Policy: Board of Regents Policy, RP 9.202, Classification Plans and Compensation Schedules
Review Date: February 2021

  1. Purpose:

    The purpose of this Community Colleges Policy is to provide guidelines for Acting Instructor appointments.

  2. Definitions:

    This policy provides the guidelines and procedures for hiring an Acting Instructor and for advancing an acting instructor to the instructor rank.

  3. Executive Policy:
    1. Responsibilities
      1. The college chancellor shall:
        1. Establish procedures (see Attachment A for sample procedures) for Acting Instructor appointments and advancement from Acting Instructor to Instructor when the incumbent demonstrates that he/she meets the established minimum qualifications.
        2. Approve Acting Instructor appointments and advancement from Acting Instructors to Instructor.
        3. Approve extensions of Acting Instructor appointments beyond three (3) years, as appropriate.
    2. Guidelines
      1. Appointment of Acting Instructors
        1. Acting Instructors may be appointed only when (a) no qualified applicant exists, and (b) the advertisement specifies that, “If no qualified applicants are available, those not meeting minimum qualifications may be considered for an acting appointment.”
        2. If an acting appointment is made, the selection shall be based on the “best qualified” of the available applicants.
        3. Once appointed, the Acting Instructor needs to develop an approved professional development plan that will enable the faculty member to satisfy the minimum qualifications within three (3) years. If any extenuating circumstance exists, the faculty member must submit a request for an extension beyond the three (3) years prior to the end of the current appointment. The extension should include the time period in which the faculty member intends to meet the minimum qualification requirements. If the extension is not granted and the faculty member has not met the minimum qualifications, the faculty member will be terminated at the end of the three-year period.
        4. The Acting Instructor is not on the probationary track. Upon meeting established minimum qualifications and conversion to an Instructor, prior year(s) service as an Acting Instructor are not automatically creditable toward the probationary period. However, a request may be made to shorten the faculty member's probationary period in accordance with the collective bargaining agreement.
        5. Initial salary placement for an applicant appointed as an Acting Instructor is normally at Step 1. However, based on the employee's background, experiences, and campus requirements, placement above Step 1 can be made as appropriate.
        6. Upon meeting the established minimum qualifications, the faculty member is responsible for initiating the request and submitting documentation that demonstrates that he/she has met the established minimum qualifications.
      2. Advancement from Acting Instructor to Instructor
        1. When the college determines that the faculty member had met the established minimum qualifications for the position, the Chancellor shall approve the incumbent’s movement from Acting Instructor to Instructor. The effective date of the movement should be January 1, June 1, or August 1; whichever date immediately follows the date of the written notification to the College by the faculty member that the minimum qualifications have been met.
        2. Normally, a salary adjustment is not provided; however, a salary adjustment may be approved by the Chancellor on an exception basis upon recommendation and justification by the campuses appropriate Vice Chancellor/Dean/Director.
  4. Delegation of Authority:
  5. Contact Information:

    Subject Matter Experts

    Office of the Vice President for Community Colleges
    Phone: (808) 956-7038

  6. References:
    1. Board of Regents Bylaws and Policy, RP 9.202, Community College Classification Plan and Compensation Policy.
  7. Exhibits and Appendices:
    1. UHCC Policy 9.301 - Attachment 1 - Sample Procedures to Implement Policies Relating to Acting Instructors