UHCC Policy 9.730

9.730 - Workplace Non-Violence Programs

UHCC Policy Chapter 9, Personnel
UHCC Policy 9.730, Workplace Non-Violence Programs
Effective Date: April 2011
Prior Dates Amended: April 2018 (recodified)
Responsible Office: Office of the Vice President for Community Colleges
Governing Board of Regents Policy: Board of Regents Policy, RP 11.205, Public Health, Safety, and Security
Review Date: February 2021

  1. Purpose:
    1. UH Executive Policy authorizes campus Chancellors to develop and implement programs that promote non-violence in the workplace and includes the establishment of a Campus Crisis Management Team (CCMT).
    2. The purpose of this policy is expand the role and responsibilities of the CCMT, to ensure campus awareness of workplace violence reporting responsibilities, and to ensure that the activities of the CCMT include industry best practices and lessons learned which have demonstrated that additional pre-and post-response activities can further mitigate against serious incidents of workplace violence and its consequences.
  2. Definitions:
    1. CCMT–Campus Crisis Management Team
    2. ICS (Incident Command System)–A standardized command and control system under NIMSthat is flexible and can be utilized for incidents of any type, size, and complexity; provides guidelines to maintain common response processes for planning and managing resources
    3. NIMS (National Incident Management System)–An operational system developed by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security; provides guidelines to ensure common response and recovery organization, protocols, and operational roles and responsibilities
    4. UH–University of Hawaii (University)
    5. UHCC–University of Hawaii Community Colleges
  3. Executive Policy:
    1. Responsibilities
      1. Office of the Vice President for Community Colleges shall have the responsibility to:
        1. Provide direction and technical assistancein matters of workplacenon-violence programs;
        2. Provide support for appropriate program activities which offer collective benefit to UHCC campuses;
        3. Provide support to the UHCC campuses in the development of standardized procedures and operational guidelines; and
        4. Compile, review, and analyze reports from all campuses and collaborate on program improvement and mitigation strategies.
      2. Chancellors shall have the responsibility to:
        1. Establish a Campus Crisis Management Team consistent with University of Hawaii Executive Policy, Section E9.210 VI.B and inclusive of other critical campus components such as mental health, facilities, information technology as examples;
        2. Establish campus-specific procedures for response and timely warning for a workplace violence incident;
        3. Ensure that CCMT members and alternate members are adequately trained to response to incidents;
        4. Establish a formal system by which the CCMT tracks and reports its activities;
        5. Ensure CCMT member representation and participation in collaborative campus safety and security planning activities;
        6. Ensure that the CCMT members meet on a regular basis to review campus incidents, conduct behavioral assessments, and determine a plan for intervention or mitigation as necessary;
        7. Promote and support networking and collaborative activities among the UHS campuses CCMTs;
        8. Ensure that CCMT members cooperate with other campuses, institutional officials, and external agencies and authorities who are involved in workplace violence program processes;
        9. Ensure that the CCMT preserves information confidentiality and adhere to discretionary disclosure policies; and
        10. Ensure that the CCMT members meet National Incident Management System/Incident Command System training requirements for administratorsfor institutions for higher education as prescribed by the U.S. Department Homeland Security.
  4. Contact Information:

    Subject Matter Experts

    Office of the Vice President for Community Colleges
    Phone: (808) 956-7038

  5. References:
    1. Related University Policies
      1. Board of Regents Policy, RP 11.205, Public Health and Safety
      2. University of Hawaii Systemwide Executive Policy, E9.210 Workplace Non-Violence
      3. University of Hawaii Systemwide Administrative Policy, APM A9.730 Workplace Non-Violence Campus Procedures
    2. Related State and Federal Laws, Directives, and Agreements
      1. State of Hawaii, Hawaii Revised Statutes Section 396-6, Employer Responsibility: Safe Place of Employment
      2. State of Hawaii, Collective Bargaining Agreements(as applicable)
      3. United States Code 654, Section 5(a)(1), Occupational Safety and Health Act
      4. United States Department of Homeland Security, Presidential Directive HSPD-5, Section 16(a), National Response Plan and National Incident Management System
  6. Exhibits and Appendices:
    1. Attachment 1 - UHCC: Suggested Campus Crisis Management Flowchart